Tax Collection
The Elected Tax Collector, Elizabeth Waterhouse is responsible for the collection of all Venango Township, Crawford County and PennCREST School District Real Estate and Per Capita Taxes. Office hours for 2022 have yet to be determined but will be located at the Venango Township building at 22506 Cemetery Road, Venango, PA 16440. Elizabeth can be contacted at 814-547-2600 or at venangotwptaxcollector@gmail.com as hours are available by appointment only.
Timeline for taxes due
Venango Township Taxes and Crawford County Taxes:
- Bills are mailed out on March 1st of every year
- Discount payments can be made prior to or on April 30th
- Face payments can be made prior to or on June 30th
PennCREST School District Taxes:
- Bills are mailed out on August 1st every year
- Discount payments can be made prior to or on September 30th
- Face payments can be made prior to or on November 30th