December 3rd Supervisors Meeting




The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Bill Sutter. Present for roll call were Don Merritt, Bill Sutter and Mark Stafford. Also present, were those signed in on the attached listing.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read Don motioned to accept the minutes as read,  Mark seconded, and all approved.

The Treasurers report and bills report were presented. Bill motioned to accept the report, Mark seconded, all approved

Solar Project

After having the waiver reworked per Joe Ferguson’s request. We have not received any further communication with Forefront Solar.


Building/Septic/Storm Water Reports

The form from LSSE for a Small Flow Sewage Facility that was presented last meeting was completed and sent back to LSSE. Also, the trailer that was to be removed from the Sarah Bunting property has been moved and the property is being prepared for the new trailer to be placed. The permit for the new trailer was sent to John Prosek.


Planning Commission Update

There was no meeting


Public Comments

Jill Dunlap asked about the minutes of the November 8th budget workshop and stated that any public meeting was required to have minutes and there should also be an agenda.  The workshop was on last months agenda but there were no minutes reported at last meeting. She also stated that there have been no agenda’s or minutes posted on the website and they should be added to the website so that people don’t have to drive to the Township building to find out what Is on the agenda.  She also stated that I, Elizabeth Waterhouse continue to be the Tax Collector and have Valerie Stafford be recommended for the Secretary.  Mark Stafford stated that Valerie would not want to do that. Bill stated that Valerie has been helping out and has been looking for grants for the Township and doesn’t charge the Township for all of her hours. Jill questioned whether the Township’s tax dollars were being put to good use. Bill stated that some of the time was spent attending classes outside of the Township to get a better understanding the scope of the job and access to grants.

Mark Ruhl asked that when brush hogging, the road crew keep away from the bales of hay he has in the field and stated that a bale had been hit, leaving the bale unusable. He wants to continue to have the brush hogging done, but try to be careful when doing it around his bales.  Stephanie Thauer asked that during the winter weather, could a few more cinders be put on the hillier portion of the roads to help with traction.

Old Business

  The minutes of the last meeting stated that the payment per Wattage should have been Giga Watt per Dave Roach.  The correction will be made.

New Business

We have the budget, which was discussed at the November 8th workshop to approve.

Jill Dunlap asked if the ARPA money was included in the budget. Bill stated that it had been spent. Jill asked about pay increases and Bill stated that the road crews would be receiving a dollar an hour raise from $16 to $17 per hour. Jill asked if the Secretary was getting a raise and Bill stated that she would not.  Then the question of a tax increase was brought up and there would be no tax increase.

Dave Roach asked about the budget expenses and Bill stated that there would be an expense to put a wider door on the building to accommodate the truck with the wing as it only fits in the portion of the garage it is currently housed in. A wider door would allow them to work on the truck when needed.  The amount of funds used for road maintenance would be similar to what was spent this past year.



The only correspondence was a request from Erie County asking if anyone could help with snow removal and also if we needed help they were there for the asking.



Don           motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:40   p.m.,     Bill     seconded, All were in favor.




Elizabeth Waterhouse, Secretary/Treasurer



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