What is the sales tax in the township?
There is no sales tax for Venango Township other than the PA State Sales Tax of 6% for various covered purchases.
There is no sales tax for Venango Township other than the PA State Sales Tax of 6% for various covered purchases.
Contact the PA Liquor Control Board at PO Box 8940, Harrisburg, PA 17105 or 412-723-0100. You can also go online for additional information at the PLCB Western Region Office www.lcb.state.pa.us or contact them by email at ra-lblicensing@pa.gov.
For births PRIOR to 1906 contact the Crawford County Clerk of Courts at 903 Diamond Park, Meadville, PA 16335 or 814-333-7442 or online at http://www.crawfordcountypa.net/portal/page?_pageid=393,814520&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL For births AFTER 1906 contact the PA State Department of Health at 101 South Mercer Street, New Castle, PA 16101 or 724-656-3100 or online at http://www.health.pa.gov/MyRecords/Certificates/Pages/New%20Castle.aspx#.VxkCAnjD-Uk
Contact the Crawford County Clerk of Courts at 903 Diamond Park, Meadville, PA 16335 or 814-333-7442 or complete the online application at http://www.crawfordcountypa.net/portal/page?_pageid=393,814520&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
Venango Township does not get in the middle of landlord and tenant issues and we have no regulations regarding tenant issues.
You can have your drinking water or soil tested at the Crawford County Extension Office at 1099 Morgan Village Rd, Suite A, Meadville, PA 16335 or 814-333-7460 or online at http://extension.psu.edu/crawford or crawfordext@psu.edu
You can contact the Meadville Area Ambulance Service at 814-724-7598 or online at meadvilleambulance.com/. .
Venango Township does not have any current zoning restrictions in the Township.
Contact the Township Secretary at 2250 Cemetery Road, Venango, PA 16440 or 814-398-8489 or at venangotwp@gmail.com.
Contact the Crawford County Tax Claim Bureau at the Crawford County Courthouse at 903 Diamond Park, Meadville, PA 16335 or by calling 814-333-7332.