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PennDOT current road conditions and various other road information is available at  

PennDOT has location and boundary maps that are available at There is other information that is available at their main website at

Act 13 Usage Report June 7, 2016 Act 13 Budget Report June 7, 2016

Venango Township adopted a Floodplain Ordinance that contains requirements and restrictions for floodplain management on individual properties when constructing any type of building, driveway and parking areas as well as future development.  If you need additional information please contact the Township Secretary at 814-398-8489 or by email at

Venango Township adopted a Stormwater Ordinance that contains requirements and restrictions for stormwater maintenance on individual properties when constructing any type of building, driveway and parking areas as well as future development.  If you need additional information please contact the Township Secretary at 814-398-8489 or by email at

  Venango Township does not currently have any zoning restrictions or regulations pertaining to starting a business in the Township.  You should contact the Building Permit Officer at 814-398-8489 or by email at to make sure there are no building permits or additional items that may need to be addressed prior to opening. Starting...

Complete this form to apply for a Residential Building Permit for an agricultural building or a detached garage or storage shed structure under 1,000 square feet or any other building that does not require UCC building code inspections.

    Use this form if you have a Sewage Complaint and would like it to be investigated.  Submit the completed form to the Secretary at 22506 Cemetery Road, Venango, PA 16440 or 814-398-8489 or by email at  who will work in conjunction with the Sewage Enforcement Officer Peter Homchenko to investigate the complaint.

If you have a property maintenance issue to report or want additional information please contact the Building Permit Officer at 814-398-8489 or by email at As there are no Zoning or Property Maintenance ordinances adopted by Venango Township, there really are no regulations that can be enforced by the Township other than sewage complaints.

Search Keywords Category Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes Board of Supervisors Meeting Agendas Road Department Building Water and Sewage Floodplain Board of Supervisors Ordinances Building - Commercial Permit Applications Building - Residential Permit Applications Complaints and Issues Financial Reports Annual Budget Stormwater Filter November 1, 2016 Supervisors Regular Meeting Agenda Board of Supervisors Meeting Agendas...

Contact the PennCREST School District at 814-763-2323  or find additional information at

We currently do not have anywhere that is available for residents to get rid of tree debris, grass clippings or items of this nature. You can try contacting Powell Sanitation at 814-333-3191 or Meadville Redi Mix at 814-724-1600 as they may accept these items or know of somewhere else that may. Please do not haul...

Recycling bins are available at the Firemans Carnival Grounds in Cambridge Springs for items including newspapers, standard office paper, cardboard, glass, aluminum and standard metals cans, glass bottles and certain plastics.  These bins are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week from the Crawford County Solid Waste Authority at no cost to all...

Venango Township residents interested in garbage service are able to contract with any hauler of their choosing.  Venango Township does not provide or mandate garbage service for its residents nor do we recommend a specific company but we do provide contact information for local haulers.  Some offer trash only container service while others offer seperate...

Contact the Crawford County Voter Services Office located at the Crawford County Courthouse, 903 Diamond Park, Meadville, PA 16335 or by calling 814-333-7307 or online at,916548&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL

Venango Township has one voting location which can be found at the Township Building at 22506 Cemetery Road, Venango, PA 16440.

Contact the Crawford County Voter Services Office located at the Crawford County Courthouse, 903 Diamond Park, Meadville, PA 16335 or by calling 814-333-7307 or online at,916548&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL

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