
Stormwater regulations are now in place for anyone developing or doing construction on any property in Venango Township.  At the end of the Stormwater Ordinance listed below is an application that must be filled out and submitted with any building project.  If the project is less than 2,500 square feet, the first part of the application needs to be completed and signed by the property owner.  If the project is more than 2,500 square feet but less than 5,000 square feet, the rest of the application needs completed.  If the project is over 5,000 square feet, a SMW (Stormwater Management Project) needs to be completed by an architect or certified person as stamped drawings and a complete stormwater plan need to be submitted prior to any construction or development.  For additional information please contact the Building Permit Official at the Township Building located at 22506 Cemetery Road, Venango, PA 16440 or by calling 814-398-8489.

Stormwater Ordinance 2011 Final with Signature Page   The last few pages are where the Stormwater application can be found.

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