Contact Building Permit Officer at 814-398-8489 or You can also look under documents on the website for the permit application and sheets listing the details of what is to be submitted under Permits both on the Residents and Businesses pages of the website.
Contact Building Permit Officer at 814-398-8489 or You can also look under documents on the website for the permit application under Permits both on the Residents and Businesses pages of the website. Once the permit application is completed and submitted to the Township Office, Peter Homchenko will be provided a copy so that he … Continued
Venango Township adopted a Floodplain Ordinance that contains requirements and restrictions for floodplain management on individual properties when constructing any type of building, driveway and parking areas as well as future development. If you need additional information please contact the Township Secretary at 814-398-8489 or by email at
Venango Township adopted a Stormwater Ordinance that contains requirements and restrictions for stormwater maintenance on individual properties when constructing any type of building, driveway and parking areas as well as future development. If you need additional information please contact the Township Secretary at 814-398-8489 or by email at
Contact Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Driver License Center of Meadville at 16942 Patricia Drive, Meadville, PA 16335 or on their website at
Only dogs are required to be licensed in the Township. Contact the Treasurers Office at the Crawford County Courthouse at 903 Diamond Park, Meadville, PA 16335 or by calling 814-333-7332 or at,824473&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
Contact the PA Liquor Control Board at PO Box 8940, Harrisburg, PA 17105 or 412-723-0100. You can also go online for additional information at the PLCB Western Region Office or contact them by email at
For births PRIOR to 1906 contact the Crawford County Clerk of Courts at 903 Diamond Park, Meadville, PA 16335 or 814-333-7442 or online at,814520&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL For births AFTER 1906 contact the PA State Department of Health at 101 South Mercer Street, New Castle, PA 16101 or 724-656-3100 or online at
Contact the Crawford County Clerk of Courts at 903 Diamond Park, Meadville, PA 16335 or 814-333-7442 or complete the online application at,814520&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL