Open Seats on Boards or Commissions

Posted on December 1, 2021

We currently have a few openings on our Boards and Commissions.

We have one opening on the Venango Township Planning Commission.  This is a volunteer position to fill a vacancy left by someone who moved from the area.  The meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm and additional information can be obtained by contacting the Township Secretary.

We have one opening on the Venango Township Board of Auditors.  This is a paid position of $10.00 per hour during January or whenever necessary when the auditors will audit the general finances of the Township.  Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Township Secretary.

We also maintain a listing of interested persons so when an opening does occur on any Board or Commission, we may attempt to fill the vacancy as soon as possible.  If interested, please send a letter of interest or resume to Venango Township, 22506 Cemetery Road, Venango, PA 16440 or email to

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